Nervous system regulation - Journey into the Heart of the divine creator with activations from Metatron
Drop deep into this beautiful heart of the divine creator activation when you are in a state of nervous system exhaustion beyond self-regulation.
Needing the unconditional unspoken love of being scooped up and taken care of for a moment in time without having to ask for it.
In times of need, we tentatively reach out to others searching for help but often their response leaves us lacking not meeting us in the way we need it to.
What we're yearning for, is a connection that finds its meeting place deep within which holds the key to unlocking a release, leading into new and supportive of where you’re at now with a purity that is all-knowing to find resolution and healing.
This has to come from within your own internal ecosystem, your creator source energy.
This is a written activation,
… as you settle into our words you will be led into a circuit of divine light which will awaken/activate DNA strands of cellular memory into your conscious awareness for you to understand yourself more clearly and settle into your bodysuit completely.
Preparing your bodysuit with breathwork for transient journeying.
Close your eyes and begin to imagine white light coming in through the center of your forehead, centering between your eyes.
Bring awareness of this white light flowing into your body with your breath.
Take 2 deep slow breaths in through your nose,
… filling up and expanding your bodysuit right down to below your belly button like a big balloon.
White crystalline light is flowing into your body.
Reaching every particle of your body.
And like a balloon rising up and then catching the wind.
Your breath comes in rising up and over and releasing out through your mouth, relaxing your bodysuit down.
Feeling your legs and feet become heavier and relaxed upon the ground.
You may need to do this full cycle of breath work 3-4 times to fully relax and be ready to receive the activation.
Beginning the heart of the divine creator visualization journey.
Imagine, visualize yourself in the bush, or a forest as we bring you in and begin to walk through the forest.
You're going to see a forest pathway form that's easy and soft on your feet.
Feel your feet on the soil, and
all the beautiful soft foliage of the plants, the flowers, the bird life, and the animal life as you're walking through the forest.
On your pathway you reach a delicate veil of golden frequency you're basically going to walk through this veil of light.
As you walk through this golden veil of light, all of you in your purest form pass through completely.
In doing so, the golden veil of light filters away all that is not of your purest form.
As you emerge through, the veil comes back into a field of light, a veil.
You are free to move as your person,
clean and clear of any energetic debris, body, mind, and light,
as you continue on the path through the forest deep within the heart of the divine creator.
Coming to a cave space makes you feel comfortable, so it’s whatever it looks like for you.
It could be big, or small with the opening covered in beautiful greenery and vines, or it could be glistening with crystals and gems.
Walking in through the opening of the cave, you step down large stone sturdy steps and you are now entering the heart of the divine creator.
Seeing in front of you a pool of crystalline water, deep, warm, and inviting.
As you look around within the cave space you see crystals, botanicals, plants, and trinkets.
Vessels of water, food, delicious sweets, cushions, blankets, whatever ignites your imagination, making this space your own.
Continuing down the stone steps into the crystalline pool, your beautiful pure bodysuit is welcomed into the water.
This water is of crystalline frequency and is the most perfect temperature for your bodysuit to relax within.
Feeling the water flow over your bodysuit, warm, inviting, and comforting.
As you begin floating there's a level of salinity to it that holds you afloat, feeling light and free, floating within the crystalline water held and supported.
Gazing upwards to the ceiling of the cave space you see an opening at the top of the cave, which lets flickering spectrums of light code onto the water service and around the cave space.
Allow yourself to float around and explore this crystalline water deep within the heart of the divine creator.
Swimming over to the other side of the pool you can look out through an opening of the cave with a view to a secluded bay below and out over the ocean and far beyond.
Gaining a greater perspective of where you are.
Swim around, play, and dive under the water, you can immerse yourself within the crystalline water and explore the depths within this sacred heart of the divine creator cave space.
This is a place to feel safe and relaxed.
Metatron is now going to come through and provide a healing activation for your nervous system.
Witnessing yourself floating within this pool of crystalline water, your body suit is glistening, streams and spectrums of light radiate out from your bodysuit all through the cave space.
You feel your backline and spinal column become quite tingly and activated as your nervous system is awakened, cleansed, and recalibrated to the rest of your body.
Feeling your nervous system flow out to your body structure and back to the central column, out and back and out and back, recalibrating itself.
It starts moving in a hum, in a rhythmic flow that is smooth and steady.
We are recalibrating your nervous system to a new beat.
Introducing a new flow through your bodysuit ecosystem, your organs, your brain, your blood and lymph flow, throughout your whole being, your muscle and joint structures.
Your chakra systems relate to the different structures of you, to the different organs, to the different personalities of you.
All coming in to meet with this new vibrational hum of your nervous system.
Reaching out and feeding back.
Just be in this space to receive and allow it to do what it needs to do.
While you float,
You might feel a little uncomfortable, even tense in different parts of your body as this activation flows through your body vessel.
As Metatron clears away what's limiting your nervous system from finding flow and coherence as a whole?
Take a deep breath in when you're ready and release it through your body, physically moving your body.
Giving your back, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, legs, ankles, and toes a wriggle
As Metatron continues his activation
Imagine a blade of light meeting your forehead, coming down to your nose, chin, chest, and down the centerline of you.
Feel it coming down your knees, shins, to the top of your feet, and under your feet, and into the earth.
Now imagine another blade of light meeting your chin, and moving upwards over your nose, your forehead, over your skull, and down the back of your neck, spinal column, and tailbone.
From the center coming outwards across your pelvis, down the back of your legs, your heels, and under your feet, and into the earth.
Take a deep breath and allow this blade of light to be…
Within your bodysuit, golden coils of thread are activating throughout your body and energy fields.
Breathe and allow the activations to occur.
When you're ready, open your eyes and hug your knees rolling yourself upward into a vertical position within the crystalline water.
To come to the edge of the pool.
Take some time to sit at the side of the crystalline pool.
Sit for a while like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. It has to dry its wings. The activation on your bodysuit needs time to dry embodying into your vessel.
These golden coils of threads are still activating your bodysuit.
Wriggle your fingers, your hands, and toes, and move your ankles and feet.
While you’re embodying your activations, your beautiful bodysuit is radiating spectrums of crystalline light.
Slowly coming in, coming into your bodysuit. Yes.
Settling into your bodysuit.
Stand up and walk slowly and surely back up the stone steps out of the heart of the divine creator onto the forest path and out through the forest.
Giving thanks
To our forest energies, nature, and the beings that have come around us,
To Metatron, for the activation & reset of our nervous system,
To the heart of the divine creator for providing this crystalline pool and cave space for this activation.
All our love, x Vicki and team
Live Recorded Transmission on our YouTube Channel HERE!
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Hey, I’m Vicki, a multi-dimensional light channel and quantum creator, I write about body awareness and awakened spiritual practices to help you live a wholesome life.
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