Loss and light as we say goodbye to a loved one.
To my dear friend, x
I say, dear friend, but we were more like companions in life through parenthood ups and downs and stupid mistakes in-between, silly fights, harsh words, distanced times, and then the all-important... I need you, OK, I’ll be right over.
I’m asking for guidance as I tell my tale that it is relevant and makes sense to whoever it is intended to make sense for.
My thoughts are going back to a summer holiday and a very prominent conversation between us, here I am still fairly new to being awake to all things multidimensional.
I speak about Light, Eternal Light, Higher Selves and that we never really lose a frequency or connection to a loved one...so it’s not the end or I wouldn’t be lost completely if someone I love dies, because their light, the spark that they are, is still there, it’s just gone home.
She replies so you’d be OK with your child dying then!!!! A little, a lot, pissed at my candidness.
No of course not, but the light that they are is still available to me, their Eternal Light that I connect with as a being of light myself. (Life is so cruel, 4 years later my daughter Sacha passed away suddenly in February 2023)
Little did I know that it would be her light one year later that I am communicating with on the other side and a weird sense of (????) here, this weird conversation again.
Only this time she is understanding it completely, and is reassuring me!
Her Light spoke to me during the days in the hospital as her physical form was ending and her Eternal Light was forming a separate entity. I saw her body failing and her light leaving but I was not distraught.
I even knew it as I questioned… how is this possible? Again and again.
And as she kept replying... it just is!
In these moments of questioning, how is this possible?
I felt her white light come over me and my heart filled with love speaking to my soul... all is OK, all just is!
All is ok, you knew this Vicki, this is ok.
We can communicate as spirit form or we can be eternal light in communication as our purest form of Eternal Source Creator Energy.
On the day of her funeral standing around her grave rainbows began to show, and faded away, then another, then two at the same time, as we all finally took the next step to walk on they slowly faded away as if to say goodbye, it was so lovely but also funny as she never mucked around in life it was like she was telling us to hurry up she had a thing to do…
As the days have gone by and the sudden grief has lessened some I sit at the table with my morning coffee, and now, not only do I have whoever wishes to come through as guides for me…
Occasionally my friend shows me a touch of her essence, the human I knew but mostly it is her eternal source of creator energy that I am getting to see the beauty in ever so briefly.
Xx Vicki
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Hey, I’m Vicki, a multi-dimensional light channel and quantum creator, I write about body awareness and awakened spiritual practices to help you live a wholesome life.
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