Wisdom of the Plant Kingdom


It always intrigues me when I come across a tree that is hollow inside and yet still alive & vibrant.

They can do this in the Plant Kingdom staying alive with a great big hollow space inside, connecting to their source of life Mother Earth | Gaia | Papatuanuku, they know they are one and the same, Plant Kingdom | Earth.

There is no separation as a part of their community receiving nutrients, an ever-evolving life source rooting deep and strong, wide into the underground circuit systems between themselves and their community spreading sending & sharing the life between each other.

We are one and the same as from Earth, so why does a tree continue to grow, survive and support one another with being hollow inside, when we on our downward spiraling days choose to suffer disconnecting from each other & our source?

As humans, the feeling of being hollow inside responding to the lack of connection to our community outwardly and most importantly inwardly, the inherent wisdom of our gut our evolutionary innate intuitive feeling center & our direct link to the continuum of multi-dimensional resources, so much more, than our five senses.

We get told...and I speak often about being grounded...You just need to ground yourself!

But for many, the idea of grounding is foreign and unnatural… it is a learned habit and it should be a part of our daily routine just as we keep our teeth healthy we should be keeping our mind and body healthy, through our spiritual connection with the life force energy flowing under our feet ready and waiting to be acknowledged by our heart.

Take the time to slow down to the rhythm of Earth, our earth, we are part of her, as when we come to our final moments in our human body | Earthly end we become like the saying...Ashes to Ashes - Dust to Dust! We go back into her evolving as our one with Earth, becoming of Earth again.

This we get, but there is a missing link to understanding the entirety of life with her, if we go back to her at the end we must be a part of her in the now, in this present moment, for life to flow through us.

So why are we not acknowledging the gift of life she has to offer us in our present day?

Why are we not utilizing the wisdom of Earth?

Many cultures have stories, wisdom myths, and legions of tribal belief systems handed down through the elders, you may not be connected to your elders within daily life but you are connected through Earth to be able to receive this Universal Wisdom.

Please try the exercise below and see what Gaia has to offer forward for you, x.

Grounding  | Being Present

feel your feet on the earth

allow your souls to make contact with what you are feeling under your feet

allow her time to meet with you

give her time

the meeting only happens when she knows you are in your truth

treat her like she is, an ancient one

a grandmother slow sure and steady deserving your respect

when she knows you are ready to commit she will join you and you will be welcomed into her embrace

still, take time to settle in

do not rush this experience

you will feel yourself exhale

your body will soften

your truths will become apparent

what is truly important will become apparent

when you have resolved to her embrace settle in and be open for wisdom to unfold…

What you receive is what you need to receive - Embody the visions with your ALL - To awaken light streams of eternal source energy from within.

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Vicki Wallace

Vicki channels directly with Source Energy, working in the multidimensional fields of cosmic intuitive downloads and the biosphere energetic grid systems of your individual physical experience to create health and vitality in your life.


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