As parents, we want to save our children from hurt!


Hello Angels

As parents, we want to save our children from hurt!


What if they need to go through whatever it is that’s hurting them to grow and learn?

What if what’s hurting them is them and they need to meet themselves here to grow and learn?

As an energy alchemist, I feel frequency strongly and very visually in my mind's eye and my third eye as visions of multidimensional information that stops time and takes me into deeper layers of self where I am met by my team.

It’s like the world around me stops and I blink into an expansion of me. 

Where the storyline is not a story but instead a frequency that is felt within my body, this feeling interrupts my mind to alert it to new information threads being downloaded to me.

As my child is hurting I feel her empathic resonance in my body and my mind is completely occupied with her experience until I can meet myself in a space of love and expansion.

I have to let her go through her own experiences despite my natural mother's instincts to jump in front, block, and deflect with teeth-baring… Yes despite all these natural instincts!!

I do know this is her story and her growth!

But I too am having an experience here, albeit empathic, so what do I do with myself? How do I help her through me?

Stepping outside of the story and meeting myself in a way that is in divine light source energy which is my truth.

Anything other than this truth is my ego-mind taking control and manipulating the situation to fit it into a tidy box of past experiences, where it knows, trusts, and feels good it has played its part.

Neither of us can grow if we let our ego-mind pop it into the box of past experiences and actions that only reinforce the continuation of a storyline that clearly is not working!

We can only grow when we meet ourselves in these new experiences with expansion for new information to be received as vibrations of frequency embodied into our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

Having practices to call upon in times of need for a meeting, grounding in the body, present with experiencing ourselves as divine light to interrupt our ego-mind speaking loudly is very important. 

For me, it’s my team. An archangel or energetic being will come through sending me messages, intuitive words, or images, or I will voice expressing myself with light language coded frequency that is true to where I’m at, including frustration anger loss desperation.

Yes, I too speak light language that strangely enough is not very light, yet this coding is still frequency my team holds me within this space giving me time to release all that is within me, that incorporates all my physical bodies and my energetic fields running this experience and letting it all go.

The point here is that I know I have a team, that I am not alone, they are always with me, to me this is being awake, to be aware of more of me that is far greater than my human 5 senses.

Meeting with my own team shifts vibrations for those that I am in empathic resonance with, lightening up their mental and emotional bodies, awakening them to see, experience, and shift slightly to let in a little more light without me actually doing anything in connection to them.

It is all me, all within my field of frequency, this radiates outwardly to my, as I call it, my love bubble, my family, or whoever else I was in connections with empathically.

Whether this is met by them choosing to be out in nature and letting it all out with the natural vibrations of the forest or ocean or physical exhaustion that tires out the ego-mind or something else?

We don’t always need to talk it out, sometimes talking it out often leads to more ego control even when you’re trying to be light ego seems to slip in… when you sit within your own frequency and create space away from the storyline letting in divine connections this opens up space for a shift in vibration, you are not doing anything, you are not trying to connect in with the other end of the frequency holder from this empathic resonance.

You are only connecting with divine light and being still!

For yourself right now try this exercise…

Standing strong and sure on the ground letting earth come up to meet you through the soles of your feet and universal divine energy flow through into your bodysuit and crown, both flows of divine light meeting within your heart space, circulating within and flowing outwardly from your heart space and your breath to all those around you now, to the present, past, future… Aho!

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Vicki Wallace

Vicki channels directly with Source Energy, working in the multidimensional fields of cosmic intuitive downloads and the biosphere energetic grid systems of your individual physical experience to create health and vitality in your life.

What is it that you truly desire?


Connecting to Source…through change