What is it that you truly desire?
Picture this!
You've been struggling for a while playing small skirting around the edges of where you would like to be and what you’d like to be doing.
You have a deep desire for so much more in life and would really love to speak your truth with this version of you from deep inside!
You want to know more about what he or she has to show you so you book in with a spiritual intuit and they ask you…
How can I help you? What is it that you truly desire?
These simple questions can send you off into a strange occurrence of fright & flight - responding with wtf I actually have no idea! I thought I did but now it's gone?
A bit like you go into a dream-like state seeing yourself inside the most expensive delicious candy shop on the block.
They’re asking you… go ahead and choose whatever one you like, with no restrictions pick the one you most desire!!!
Your mind is flooded with all spectrums of color, all the pure candy delight of life’s little pleasures…
Too many options
Everything is moving
Your distracted
You cannot make a decision
You don’t know where to go first
So much is flooding into your little brain
You don't want to miss out on anything
You don't know what to choose
You don’t know if what you choose will be the right one
In truth, you do know what you desire!
It’s only that you cannot find coherence within your systems to speak your desires, your energetics are all scrambled, and you cannot get a true reading on yourself for you to express what it is you need?
You within your energetic framework are completely out of whack!
Well, this is pretty much with every client I sit with - else they wouldn’t be coming to me in all reality!
It’s about meeting them where they’re at so they can feel safe enough to meet themselves so that their ego-mind begins to settle. Then we can get to work - as in then, they can find coherence in their thoughts to express what it is they need or desire, and then I can work out how I can be of service.
Speaking directly with their inner child and other versions of self in ways that maybe they can not, bridging the gap for them to get to know these other layers of self within inviting them to meet, acknowledge and grow from a pure heart space, as light creator energy so that they can see themselves more clearly and lovingly.
Using light codes and quantum vibrational frequency we (my team and I) bring flow and alignment through their emotional, mental, physical, auric versions of self held within the bodysuit and connect these layers with their expanded energetic no space/time vibrational framework encompassing their human experience (body-mind heart light) as energetic beings.
When our energetics are in alignment, how we think, feel, and create runs smoothly. There is no drag or conflict in our body or mind, it is open, clear, free, and easy!
But I digress, so back to it: What is it that you desire? And how you can express this!
Knowing your desires in life is listening to a version of you within, it is a part of you through incarnation inception birth life, throughout your personal development and growth of you.
Not always conscious but more so a vibration of light sound waves which are specific to you, and within you, that over time with some people they realize it into the reality of now.
An awakening to more, creating deeper understanding within where you begin to feel these vibrations of light consciously in your day, aligning you with your thoughts, feelings, and desires.
An internal navigation system coming on board offers alternate perspectives to whatever you were/are thinking, feeling, and experiencing.
They interrupt your default mechanisms of ego-brain autopilot and subtly and holistically install, awakening new information to renavigate your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as you go through your day.
Hence, they change the pretext and the outcome of your experiences.
Which you would normally enter these thoughts, feelings, and experiences from and what your reflexes and responses, and experiences would normally follow.
All experiences whether it is thought or felt have a 3-point process, / 1 - 2 - 3 / a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Beginning; when a thought enters your body/mind/intuition.
Middle; where it is experienced in your physical body creating new information.
And an end; where you recalibrate with this new information in your body-mind and resonate new understandings throughout your body’s messaging systems for you to experience life differently.
Your body is your mind!
Your body is where information is received and relaid to your brain for response to be relaid and received back to your body for you to respond.
Muscle memory also is brain memory.
Our brain is actually a little after the fact so this is why meditation and quietening down are so effective in rebooting our system to reestablish new ways of being.
Your body is telling the brain something new, slowing it down, your body sets the rules, it holds every single experience you have ever experienced in your life.
A bodyworker's line ‘the issues are in the tissues’!!!
Past experiences are what you use when on autopilot and the ego-mind brain hooks into information to navigate your decisions and experiences.
So therefore the more we quieten down in self-reflection we enter in new vibrations of frequency and we set up new frameworks for our ego/mind/brain to function from to support us, not lead us.
When you think about what it is you desire you create an emotional pattern within your body-mind and gut about this desired thought.
Led by your ego-mind fear resistance separation comparison where you shut down and put life on hold.
or it can be led from a heart space of self-reflection calm open free love divine light where you grow and receive.
Awakening a deeper understanding within yourself!
When you sit in reflection with your mind and quieten down your bodysuit/body-mind you open up a framework that deepens your understanding of yourself and lets in new information directly through your inner-mind divine light and body suit.
You feel it, you see it with your mind's eye with an internal gauge where you transition into a space of no space/time transcendence where your desires of truth are now speaking and showing you intuitive information from within you.
Now conscious as frequency layers of light sound waves which are specific to you so you can feel more of who you truly are and therefore move into what you truly desire in life.
You get to create your life from within!!
Ready to uplevel and looking for support? my private mentorship program is now open check it out here.
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Hey, I’m Vicki, a multi-dimensional light channel and quantum creator, I write about body awareness and awakened spiritual practices to help you live a wholesome life.
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